In an interview from November last year, Errol Musk, while discussing his relationship with his wife, Elon’s mum, Maye Musk, the tech magnates father note that her parents, who apparently never liked him or whatever. Here’s the transcript, starting at 52:51 in the video linked to above. Just in case so far that wasn’t a […]
A year ago today the world lost a great teacher with a great mind. It’s been a year since the death of Dr Michael Sugrue. Sugrue was an exceptional thinker and teacher, who experienced an unexpected celebrity in his final years, while undergoing treatment for the prostate cancer that would, on this day one year […]
Attempts at top down information control are counterproductive. After eight years (perhaps better counted as two US electoral cycles) of partnering with fact checkers, Meta is making major changes to the way it handles misinformation and other harmful content on its platforms, Facebook, Instagram and Threads. Meta will, according to CEO Mark Zuckerberg: A lot […]